Why is our perception of colors and details worse in the dim illumination than in bright illumination?”

  1. What are the two answers (one “simple” and the other “profound”) to the question, “Why is our perception of colors and details worse in the dim illumination than in bright illumination?”
  2. When you walk from outside, which is illuminated by sunlight, to inside, which is illuminated by “tungsten” illumination, your perception of colors remains fairly constant.But under some illuminations, such as street lights called “sodium – vapor” lights that sometimes illuminates highways or parking lots, colors do seem to change.Why do you think collar consistency would hold under some illuminations, but not others?
  3. What are the characteristics of the energy that we see as visible light?Provide an example illustrating how these characteristics are expressed when someone sees a rainbow.What types of things (situations and/or objects) can interfere with these characteristics?
  4. How is visual information processed in the brain?But what are some things (situations and/or objects) which can impede visual information being processed in the brain.Please include a relevant example to illustrate your answer.
  5. What theories contribute to our understanding of color vision?Discuss at least two relevant theories within the field of vision.

Answers need to be 300 words and include APA citations.

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