What is the role of wisdom in healthy aging?

Assessment 4:

Create and analyze a 1–2-page simulated case study of an adult with developmental challenges. Then, create a 5–7-page intervention plan based on evidence-based strategies that have proven effective in similar cases and make projections of possible long-term impacts that current challenges may produce across the individual’s remaining lifespan.

Theorists and researchers focus on these phases to understand the developmental trajectories of adults:

  • Early      adulthood, often referred to as young adulthood or emerging adulthood, is      a period from 18 to 25 years, where the focus on relationships and career      choice and success can become primary. Young adulthood is often understood      by applying lifespan development theories that help in understanding      social-emotional and career development issues that emerge in young      adulthood. Examples are adult attachment theory, Holland’s personality      type theory linked to career development, Super’s vocational self-concept      stages, as well as Erikson’s stage of identity development.
  • Middle      adulthood, or midlife is a period where, according to developmental      theory, there is evidence of growth, maintenance, and regulation of loss      in various contexts such as family and work. Middle adulthood is often      understood by applying lifespan development theories that help in      understanding the cognitive and social development issues that emerge in      midlife. Concepts of maintenance and loss as well and coping strategies      linked to stress such as Hobfoll’s theory of conservation of resources      (COR) are often useful. Cognitive changes are often understood in terms of      fluid and crystallized intelligence. Social development is often      understood in terms of Erikson’s concept of generativity.
  • Adulthood      or late adulthood is a period when people move into their 60s, 70s,      80s and 90s, with various challenges and losses that can define      developmental trajectories. Late adulthood is often understood by applying      lifespan development theories that help in understanding the gains and      losses that are hallmarks of this stage of adulthood, such as the lifespan      theory developed by Baltes and colleagues.

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

Consider these questions

· How do changes in the brain during adulthood affect success in school or the workplace?

· In what ways does adult female development differ from adult male development? In what ways is it similar?

· How might your knowledge of adult development be useful in your current or future professional pursuits?

· What factors promote stability in adult life? What factors promote change?

· How do the different measures of health in middle age contribute to the cognitive and social changes associated with middle adulthood?

· How might your knowledge that middle adulthood is often when a person first confronts the lessening of his or her abilities be useful in your current or future professional pursuits?

· What are some strategies for maintaining cognitive abilities, given the concerns about decline in cognitive development possible during late adulthood?

· What factors contribute to the increased life expectancy?

· What is the role of wisdom in healthy aging?

· How do we as a society support older persons as they deal with their own mortality?

Your case should be 1–2 pages in length and it should describe:

  • The person      and his or her strengths and challenges.
  • The person’s      medical, family, and social context.
  • The      developmental challenges evident in the person’s behavior.
  • Individual      and cultural factors that theory and/or research indicate could impact the      person’s development.
  • Any other      factors you deem appropriate based on your understanding of the theory and      related research.

To develop this case, you should:

  • Explore      through theory and research stages of adulthood development.
  • Develop      your case by creating a challenge for the adult who is navigating through      one of the three phases of adulthood. Describe what the selected adult      struggles with in this phase of his or her lifespan.
  • Develop      your case study further by creating an environmental context for the      adult. Include any specific issues that you want to explore through      research, such as influences of a specific culture or ethnicity, specific      socioeconomic status, family structure, attachment issues, and      neighborhood context.
  • Maintain a      resource list of the materials you consulted to build your case.

Follow current APA guidelines for style and formatting, as well as for citing your resources. Include a reference list of the scholarly resources you use.

Part 2: Adult Case Intervention Analysis


Complete the following:

  • Research      evidence-based interventions that have been effective in meeting the      challenges of the adult you described in your case study, from the      perspective of your own professional specialization (as far as possible).
    • Explain       how the deficits in developmental domains or environmental contexts       impact functioning.
    • State the       recommended interventions that align with your specialization.
    • Include       evidence for those outcomes from the professional literature.
  • Explore      briefly the literature on earlier theories or research in the domain in      which the adult has challenges, considering that early influences can      impact development across the lifespan.
    • Explain,       from the perspective of your specialization, how the earlier issues that       are manifested in adulthood could be relevant.
    • Explain       how the developmental history might help in understanding and determining       an approach to working with an adult with the identified challenges.

Structure of the Report

Use the following format to structure your report:

  • Title page.
    • A       descriptive title of 5–15 words that concisely communicates the purpose       of your report and includes the name of the fictional subject. Be sure to       follow Capella’s suggested format for title pages on course papers.
  • Introduction.
    • An       overview of the paper contents, including a brief summary (approximately       half a page) of the background information regarding the case study.       (The complete 1–2-page case you developed will be included as an       appendix.)
  • Body of the      report.
    • The       presenting challenges and primary issues.
    • A       description of your case study adult with attention to age-expected       developmental outcomes, as well as specific challenges the adult has in       not meeting those milestones.
    • A       description of the factors in the adult’s environment that have an impact       on your selected adult’s overall development.
    • An       analysis of how lifespan development theory and research may account for       the presenting challenges.
    • An       assessment of the potential impact of individual and cultural differences       on development for the age and context described in the case study.
    • Suggestions       of evidence-based intervention strategies that have proven effective in       similar cases, supported by citations of research and any applicable       theories.
    • Projections,       based on research and/or theory, of possible long-term impacts that the       current challenges may produce in the remainder of individual’s lifespan.
  • Conclusion.
    • A summary       of what was introduced in the body of the paper with respect to the case       study context, challenges, and interventions.
  • Reference page:
    • A minimum       of five scholarly sources from current peer-reviewed journals, formatted       in current APA style.

Other Requirements

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Written      communication: Write coherently to support central ideas, in appropriate      APA format, and with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.
  • Length      of paper: 5–7 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page,      reference page, or case study appendix.
  • References:      At least five different scholarly resources (peer-reviewed journals).
  • APA      format: Follow current APA guidelines for style and formatting, as well as      for citing your resources in the body of your paper and in alphabetical      order on the reference page.
  • Font      and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.

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