DB 1
Describe the leadership approach in your organization.
DB 2
What is the difference between leadership and management?
DB 3
What skill sets are needed to be an effective leader?
DB 4
Discuss Kouzes & Posner’s Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership.
DB 5
Discuss a delination of hybrid leadership styles as presented in the Vannsimpco Leadership Survey.
1 original post with 2 scholarly citations,
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How will you apply lessons learned to become a more effective leader?
Reply needed.
In my situation, I play three roles in a leadership capacity. The first is my job as a high school teacher, the second is in my pastoral roles, and the third is as a Unified Track coach for my school (Special Olympics based track league consisting of a disabled-nondisabled 50-50 ratio). Throughout the course, I have learned many aspects of leadership that are valuable. I few lessons in particular I have tried to apply as we have traveled together on this learning journey.
The Vansimpco (2014) article had a very nice summary of real-world applicable leadership styles (p. 31-32). I had read this article when I first printed it before class. I liked how each style is given a brief yet thorough description. What I have tried to do is apply the situational leadership style based on my varying roles. I have and will continue to use the transformational, transactional, democratic, autocratic, and even the laissez-faire styles under the umbrella of situational leadership.
The Kouzes & Posner five practices of exemplary leadership and ten commitments from their book were outstanding. I have begun trying to institute the practices beginning with the first, “Model the Way.” Now, in my five day a week work setting the five practices are not too difficult to execute over the course of two months, which is my timeframe. However, the third practice, “Challenge the Process,” gets harder in my church setting with its two commitments. Specifically, the second commitment where I “take risks” might be a little troublesome. I want to take more risks to improve our growth and community outreach. The trouble is enlisting help in accomplishing these goals. I see where I can use the fourth practice, “Enable Others to Act” by fostering more collaboration and empowering each person.
The trouble with executing practices three and four, is the church is very small and most of the congregants are over sixty. So, any suggestions would be welcome in how I could implement these the five practices and their ten commitments in one of my church settings.
Kouzes, J. M. (2017). The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations. Hoboken, New Jersey, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Vann, Barry, Coleman, Aaron & Jennifer Simpson. Development of the Vannsimpco Leadership Survey: A delineation of hybrid leadership styles. University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, KY. 2014.
Discussion two reply needed.
Leaders are a necessity in all facet of life. Being in a leadership role at a higher institution of learning, it is important to demonstrate the qualities and characteristics that embody those a leader. Previously, I made the assumption that leaders were born with the qualities that are specific of those of leader. During the presentation of material in this class, I have learned information that I can specifically apply to my role and my future in the position.
Being an effective leader calls for those in the role as leader to motivate others to follow their vision and mission. Kouzes and Posner (2017) created five practice of exemplary leadership. These can be applied to the nature of both clinical practice and the academic realm of physical therapy. The five practices of exemplary leadership include: model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart. As an instructor and practicing clinician, it is essential to model the way for students. This can be instilled by being a positive role model for the students and demonstrating the professionalism that should be exemplified when in practice. Teaching in a manner that excites students and involving students in outside community events and service opportunities is a method to inspire a shared vision. In order to enable others to act, my role as an instructor can allow professional relationships to be built and encourage the students to flourish in their career. Incorporating these practices into my current role, will allow growth as a leader and inspire students to follow a vision of promoting the physical therapy profession.
Along with applying the five practices of exemplary leadership, demonstrating a style of servant leadership is imperative for physical therapy education and practice. Gersh (2006) stated that “the ideals of servant leadership form a philosophical foundation for professionalism in physical therapy” (pg. 13). Being aware and attentive to the needs of a patient is a skill that is necessary for a practicing healthcare professional. This skill can also translate into academia. Instructors who are aware of their student’s needs, help them to meet their goals, and motivate them to succeed will produce professionals who may demonstrate these same characteristics in the clinic. This servant leadership style can be fostered through empathy, understanding, and teambuilding. When combined these can create a community of students and instructors that promote professionalism, ethical values, and need of their future patients.
Employing the five practices of leadership and the servant leadership style within my role and leadership skill set, I can motivate students to follow my vision. I can promote future success for them and for their patients. Having the ability to change my current practices, will change their future outcomes.
Kouzes, J., Posner, B., (2017) The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Thing Happen in Organizations. 6th Ed. Jossey-Bass.
Gersh, M. R. (2006). Servant-leadership: A philosophical foundation for professionalism in physical therapy. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 20(2), 12-16.