Using the patient from Assessment task 2, you are required to verbally execute a clinical… 1 answer below »

This assessment comprises two (2) parts.
Part 1: ISBAR referral
Using the patient from Assessment task 2, you are required to verbally execute a clinical handover to
a relevant interdisciplinary health professional using the ISBAR (Identify, Situation, Background,
Assessment and Recommendations) format. This handover must be recorded as a mp3 (audio) file,
not exceeding 2.30 minutes.
I (Identify)- Identify yourself, your position, the patient and who you are talking to.
S (Situation)- State what the main health concern is and the purpose of the handover. B
(Background)- Formulate a clear and concise summary of the important and relevant background
A (Assessment)- Outline relevant nursing assessments that you have conducted and demonstrate an
understanding of the interpretation of the results and how they all relate to each other.
R (Recommendation)- Clearly and concisely outline what recommendations you are making with
regards to the health concern, including an overall plan of care.
Students will be advised via the subject Interact2 site on how best to submit their mp3 file.
Part 2: Discussion
You are required to provide written justification for your chosen interdisciplinary healthcare
professional. This justification must demonstrate your understanding of the importance of
collaborative care in relation to the patient in Assessment task 2.
This part of the assessment task must adhere to the following format:
• Introduction
• Discussion
• Conclusion
• References

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