Topic: Becoming a Doctoral Learner
1. After reading, “Dr. Ronald Berman on Time Management” and viewing the video at the conclusion of the article, describe two strategies you will implement in order to improve your time management skills? How will you change your approach to time management using that information?
2. The DNP PI Workspace is a critical resource for DNP students. It contains essential resources for this course and valuable guidance tools for successfully completing your DPI projects. Navigate the DNP PI Workspace, Student Success Center, and the Guidelines for Graduate Field Experiences. After reviewing the above resources, answer the following:
a. What information within the Guidelines for Graduate Field Experiences, DNP PI Workspace, and Student Success Center is the most helpful for this course and the completion of your DPI project? Why?
b. Review the “DNP Direct Practice Improvement Project Recommendation PowerPoint” found in the course materials. Discuss a potential topic for your project in a brief paragraph. Consider the PICOT reminder slide when selecting your potential topic.