Question 2: Yeast are capable of converting glucose into ethanol. As a brewer, you plan to modify your brewing yeast in an attempt to increase…

Question 2: Yeast are capable of converting glucose into ethanol. As a brewer, you plan to modify your brewing yeast in an attempt to increase alcohol levels in your beer. You want to overexpress the gene alcohol dehydrogenase on a plasmid that contains the ble gene (which allows for resistance to the antibiotic Phleomycin) as a selection marker.

2A) The selection media you add your mixture of yeast and plasmid to (WILL/WILL NOT) contain Phleomycin. 

2B) In addition to the alcohol dehydrogenase gene and selection marker, your plasmid also contains the specific component(s) listed below. For each of the scenarios below (i, ii, and iii) state whether you will get (NONE/SOME/LOTS) of colonies and if they will be (NONE/SMALL/LARGE), based on what we learned in class. Each scenario is performed independently from the others. 

i) Your plasmid also has the centromere sequence.

ii) Your plasmid also has the origin of replication and telomere sequences.

iii) Your plasmid also has the origin of replication, centromere and telomere sequences.

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