Outline For A Presentation: Chemotherapy Induced Nausea And Vomiting

outline for a presentation Communication course .

C464 Task 1 Presentation Plan  TEMPLATE



Intended Audience

Identify your audience for the speech. Be as specific as possible (include demographics if applicable).

Importance Statement

Explain why your topic is important for the target audience.




Attention-getting Opening

Grab your audience’s attention with an interesting statistic, fact, compelling question, or story.

Thesis Statement

Identify claim and main points in one sentence. We recommend this format:

Research suggests that (major claim) because (main point 1) and (main point 2).

Preview of Main Points

1. List the first main point from the thesis

2. List the second main point from the thesis

*Use highlights for guidance, feel free to remove after




Main Point #1

One subpoint MUST have supporting evidence (shown via an in-text citation).

Please refer to the example for how to do in-text citations.

Add as many subpoints as needed. We recommend three.

Main Point #2

One subpoint MUST have supporting evidence (shown via an in-text citation).

Please refer to the example for how to do in-text citations.

Add as many subpoints as needed. We recommend three.

Mark your plan to show your visual aid (it must be shown within either main point 1 or 2).

Copy and paste your visual aid where you plan to support one of the main points. Add (Author, Date) underneath. Your visual aid needs to be something meaningful that helps your audience learn about or better understand what you are saying.

If your visual aid doesn’t fit, please paste it underneath the template. Don’t forget to add your in-text citation underneath it.




Restatement of Thesis

To tie the speech together, restate the thesis from the introduction.

Summary of Main Points

1. Summarize the first main point from the thesis statement.

2. Summarize the second main point from the thesis statement.

Closing Comments

End with a call to action, important point, or story to make your topic memorable for the audience.




Provide a reference list that includes the author, date of publication, title, and location of information (e.g., publisher, journal, website URL) for each source. APA citation style is strongly encouraged.

If there is no author: Use the organization’s name as the author.

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