MyDietAnalysis (MDA) Part 5 |

This is the final part of the MDA progect. You will be using the reports from MDA Part 2 to complete this assignment

**This MDA assignment will not be accepted for grading until MDA 1, 2 , 3 and 4 have be completed and submitted**


Answer the following questions using your MDA Food Records and Reports. This will be submitted as an assignment (see Tips for Success below)

Assessing Your Nutrients

  1. Using the “Actual Intakes–vs-Recommendations” report, check the column beside each of the following vitamins indicating whether you have consumed less than or greater than 75% of the DRI.
  2. List a food source for each nutrient that you consumed less than 75%


Intake < 75%

of DRI

Intake > 75%

of DRI

Food Source

Vitamin A (mcg)

Beta-carotene (mcg)

Thiamin (mcg)

Riboflavin (mg)

Niacin (mcg)

Vitamin B6 (mg)

Vitamin B12 (mg)

Vitamin C (mg)

Vitamin D (mg)

Vitamin E (mg)

Folate (mcg)C


Intake < 75%

of DRI

Intake > 75%

of DRI

Food Source

Calcium (mg)

Iron (mg)

Magnesium (mg)

Phosphorus (mg)

Potassium (mg)

Selenium (mcg)

Zinc (mg)

Assessing Your Sodium Intake (2 points)

3.What is your average daily intake of sodium?

4. How does it compare to the recommended value of 2300 mg/day?

5. Looking at your food record, was is the biggest source of sodium in your diet?

Assessing Your Phytochemical intake (1 point)5.

6. Does your diet contain a good source of phytochemicals?

Assessing Your Diet Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

The following are the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015 Key Recommendations. These Key Recommendations are the most important in terms of their implications for improving public health. To get the full benefit, individuals should carry out the Dietary Guidelines recommendations in their entirety as part of an overall healthy eating pattern.

7. For each recommendation, check the box to the left if you are currently following the recommendation.

USDA Dietary Guidelines 2015 Key Recommendations

  • Consume a healthy eating pattern that accounts for all foods and beverages within an appropriate calorie level.
A healthy eating pattern includes:
  • A variety of vegetables from all of the subgroups—dark green, red and orange, legumes (beans and peas), starchy, and other
  • Fruits, especially whole fruits
  • Grains, at least half of which are whole grains
  • Fat-free or low-fat dairy, including milk, yogurt, cheese, and/or fortified soy beverages
  • A variety of protein foods, including seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs, legumes (beans and peas), and nuts, seeds, and soy products

A healthy eating pattern limits:

  • Saturated fats and trans fats, added sugars, and sodium

Key Recommendations that are quantitative are provided for several components of the diet that should be limited. These components are of particular public health concern in the United States, and the specified limits can help individuals achieve healthy eating patterns within calorie limits:

  • Consume less than 10 percent of calories per day from added sugars
  • Consume less than 10 percent of calories per day from saturated fats
  • Consume less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) per day of sodium
  • If alcohol is consumed, it should be consumed in moderation—up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men—and only by adults of legal drinking age.

Overall Impression

8. Set two dietary goals for yourself. Be specific.

9.bWhat did you learn about your dietary habits from this assignments?

Tips For Success

  • I recommend composing your content offline in a text editor and then copy and paste the text into your reply post. If something happens you will have an offline copy of all of your hard work!
  • Please note, if you are using Microsoft Word to compose offline, you may need to do some editing to the format when you paste it into the reply.
  • I will not accept assignments that are emailed.

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