Masters Project ABA – nursinghomeworks

Case Study

A well-researched and documented case study of ONE individual (single-subject design) showing interventions and associated impact.


Topic:  The role of parent training programs in managing challenging behaviors in children with developmental delays. 


 Topic question: What is the impact of parent training programs on managing challenging behaviors in children with developmental delays?


The student will

● Define a research question, problem, or opportunity for inquiry

● Design an appropriate methodology to address the problem/explore the inquiry

● Seek IRB approval or provide IRB with appropriate documentation (if applicable)

● Conduct the investigation/intervention

● Report data using text, tables, and graphs as appropriate

● Analyze results of the investigation and draw written conclusions

● Examine DEI issues present in the current study (from the perspective of both participants and


● Submit a student paper in APA 7th Edition formatting for student papers that includes a title

page, introduction, literature review, appropriate subheadings/sections, references, and

appendices (if applicable)

● Present the project, synchronously or asynchronously, to the project chair (and others, by

invitation of the chair and student)




Use behavior analytic references only



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