Evolution of A Creationist Video Discussion

Please watch video and answer the following questions in great detail.


1. Does the origin of man and the world matter? Justify your answer.

2. Could “Genesis 1:1–God created the heavens and the earth” be true? Give supporting information.

3. Could Evolution(–numerous successive changes over millions of years) have created mankind? Give supporting information.

Please watch video and answer the questions below in great detail! -WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE?:


Evolution states the following:

1. “All organisms are related through a common ancestor.” This means you came from bacteria soup. Support or refute this argument and justify your answer with supporting documentation for your answer.

2. “All organisms arose through the process of mutations and natural selection.” Support or refute this argument and give supporting documentation for your answer.

3. “All organisms arose and persist because of the random chance processes of nature and millions of years.” Support or refute this argument and give supporting documentation for your answer.

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