Course Project gives you the opportunity to study an important community health problem or challenge and analyze it in-depth, presenting your findings in an APA written paper format. Critically analyze issues related to your community health topic, and you will consider both our current healthcare environment and future directions in community health. It is a good idea to conduct an internet research on potential topics that you are considering for your Course Project before selecting one. You will want to determine that plenty of information is available online for incorporation into your project.
The length of the Course Project should be seven to ten pages, double-spaced, and in strict APA format.
You will need at least five outside sources for your Course Project beyond the course textbook. Web resources and professional journal articles will be key sources in researching your topic. In-text citations and APA referencing are required. You will list all of your sources on a Reference Page at the end of the project.
The Course Project will include at least the following sections; you may want to include others if you deem them appropriate:
1. Introduction of your Topic
2. Challenges and Problems Associated with your Topic
3. Review of the Community Health Literature
4. Critical Analysis of Challenges/Problems
5. Recommended Solutions
6. Implementation of Solutions
7. Justification of Solutions
8. Conclusion
9. References
Some possible Course Project topics for your consideration include:
History of Public Health Practices
Government Roles in Community Health
Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases
Epidemiology of Non-communicable Diseases
Community Organizing for Health
Coordinated Programs for School Health
Maternal Community Health Priorities
Infant Community Health Priorities
Child Community Health Priorities
Adolescent/Young Adult Community Health Priorities
Adult Community Health Priorities
Elder Community Health Priorities
Community Health and Minority Groups
Treatment of Mental Illness
Drug Abuse and Community Health
Impacts of Pollution on Community Health
Intentional Injuries and Community Health
Unintentional Injuries and Community Health
Domestic Violence and Community Health
Occupational Injuries and Disease in Community Health
If you do not find a Course Project topic of particular interest on this list, you are permitted to propose your own topic for approval.