Psychology homework help
Please can you do this Unit 1 – Discussion 1 & 2? $30.00 Due (Tuesday) 7/10/2018.
Unit 1 Discussion 1
Types of Groups
Select two types of groups to compare from those discussed in the text (Task, Psychoeducational, Counseling, Psychotherapy, and Brief).
· Discuss how the two types of groups selected are similar or different based upon the topic of the group and role of the facilitator.
· Describe an example of a group that would fit each of those two types of groups including specific group leadership techniques for each of the two groups with support from scholarly readings.
Unit 1 Discussion 2
Theory and Effective Group Leadership
Of what practical value is a theoretical foundation for effective group leadership? Incorporate the assigned readings into your discussion. Describe group-leadership skills that are important determinants of group outcomes, including the significance of professional competence and quality facilitation.