Use the following checklist to organize your time and to ensure that you have included all of the required elements in your oral presentation. Presentations may be slideshows, videos, skits, or lectures.
Choose invertebrate to research.
Find a copyright-free picture to use in presentation, or make a sketch of chosen invertebrate.
Explain how body plan and anatomy enables invertebrate to perform the essential functions it needs to survive.
Explain how your chosen invertebrate fits into the cladogram of invertebrates.
Chordates (not a primate) Choose chordate to research.
Find a copyright-free picture to use in presentation or make a sketch of chosen chordate.
Explain how body plan and anatomy enables chordate to perform the essential functions it needs to survive.
Explain how your chosen chordate fits into the cladogram of chordates.
Choose primate to research.
Find a copyright-free picture to use in presentation or make a sketch of chosen primate.
Explain how body plan and anatomy enables primate to perform the essential functions it needs to survive.
Explain which group your chosen primate fits into and explain why.
Choose which type of presentation you will do: slideshow, video, skit, or lecture. Organize your notes.
Prepare presentation.
Double check that you have included a picture and explained both key points for each of your chosen animals in your presentation.