1. What would you do if you were providing a psychological test to a counseling client and an issue arose in which your personal ethics were in conflict with the established state and/or federal laws and/or codes of ethics? Provide an example to support your response.
2. What serious ethical violation could occur if a counselor administered a psychological test incorrectly or without considering multicultural factors? Identify the ACA Code of Ethics statements that apply in this scenario.
3. When testing a client, what two ways could a counselor’s behavior affect the validity of the data gathered from the test results? In what ways could a counselor’s behavior affect the reliability of the data gathered from the test results? Explain.
4. Could a psychological test and assessment be invalid and still have reliability? Why or why not?
5. Find a test to assess, intelligence or education, find a similar alternative test for administration with an individual who may be blind, deaf, or nonverbal. How are they similar? How are they different?
6. Navigate to the Pearson Assessment website. Identify an assessment that could be used in a diagnosis. What is the assessment and what is the diagnosis? What are the attributes to be aware of when considering how to match the client and the test?
7. Why is it important for counselors and other behavioral health professionals to become familiar with the use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)? How can use of the DSM’s cross-cutting symptom measures aid counselors in clinical diagnosing?
8. Define the following assessments and provide an example when each should be used:
1.Forensic assessment
2.Therapeutic assessment
3.Psychological assessment
4.Personality assessment
9. How is information about personal values used in career counseling? Is it important? Why or why not? How can personal religious or spiritual values play into career counseling?
10. What kinds of interest inventories might you use in your counseling practice? Why?
11. Go online and conduct a search for a free assessment test such as the ACE Study, Strong, the Beck Depression Inventory, or something similar. Take the test and evaluate the assessments in which you have participated. What are some insights you gained by using various instruments and strategies throughout this class? How might you apply this knowledge in the future when using assessments in counseling clients?
12. Simon, a 16-year-old male, has always performed adequately in school. This semester his math scores dropped from Bs to Fs, but his other grades have remained Bs. IQ testing with the WAIS-IV revealed that he has an average overall IQ without any major deficiencies. Do these normal findings provide useful diagnostic information? How so? What might be happening with Simon?
13. What are some insights you gained while studying psychological testing and assessment instruments as applied to the future of counseling? How might psychological testing and assessment of special population clients, including adolescents, victims of domestic violence, and those with a co-occurring disorder be applied in the future?
14. What are the three most important concepts that you learned throughout this course that you can apply in a clinical setting? Give an example of how you would apply the concepts learned to conduct an in-take assessment.
Each question has to be answer by its self. With 150-200 words and have a cite in the answer.
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